Pro Hunter


EUR 11865.00

We are proud to present the Pro Hunter Guardian by Doettling - the world's first high-security travelling case. It offers unique protection for up to 4 watches, jewellery, money or important documents.


The double-walled tube is made up of two key components: the metal is as hard as a diamond and destroys tools like drills or saws attempting to breach the Guardian and the polycarbonate component, commonly used in police shields, makes the Guardian impact resistant.


At one end of the high-security tube is a safe door that can be opened only with a three digit code and at the other is a GPS transmitter so it can be precisely located. However the Guardian is not just an unbreachable accessory but a luxuriously handsome one, with a calf-leather exterior with quilted stitching and its interior and watch roll are made of Alcantara suede. The safe door is also engraved with a three digit issue number.


Length: 37cm, diameter: 13.5cm, weight: 4kg. Available in a longer length, calf and crocodile leathers and in various colours.

Limited availability. Launched June 2015